Начало » The Wolf’s seraglio will be partially destroyed

The Wolf’s seraglio will be partially destroyed

Warning! This is an automatic translation from Bulgarian. The translation has not been checked by the editor desk and may be inaccurate or ambiguous. The publisher endorses only the Bulgarian version of the article.

The Supreme Administrative Court ordered the final demolition of two of the illegal buildings in the Wolf’s Seraglio near the Iskar dam. With decision

from today, 20.02.2023, the “wolf” company Bio Mining has been ordered to remove a one-storey building, a metal structure with brick walls (i.e. a warehouse) – as well as a haywall. Small, but from the heart, as they say. During the inspection in 2021 by the then Director of the Executive Forest Agency Alexander Dunchev and Vlado Panev from the Green Movement, it actually became clear that in addition to the massive 3-storey seraglio itself, there are other illegal buildings, such as the two mentioned in the court decision above.

A small victory – in turn is the main Saray

And while the case for the Wolfsair himself, i.e. the 3-storey “wolf” palace, has not yet been decided, the decision of the Supreme Administrative Court today is still very good news. We immediately explain why – it is an indication of how the “big” case may be resolved. And this is so for one main reason – the Supreme Court judges reject Bio Mining’s arguments that historical aerial photography (read Google Earth) cannot be used as evidence. Verbatim speaking “These aerial surveys establish both the presence of a new building, different in shape and size from the existing old shed in its place, and the year of its construction.” The strategy of the “wolf” laborers was obviously to make the court not believe its eyes, but only documents (however they were drawn up). In fact, from the cosmos you can see when what is built, and it is seen in the direct sense of the word. Judges Doycheva, Vladova and Rachev refuse to fall for the flat “wolf” tricks and decide the case on conscience and fairness. We are glad to be able to point to such a a principled and meaningful decision of the Supreme Administrative Court, as recently many other decisions were rather in the totally opposite direction (such as the

We recall that the arguments of the Supreme Court judges are in stark contrast to the “logic” of the
judge Eva Pelova, which at first instance in the ACSC ruled in favor of the Wolf in the “big” case for the main building of Valksaray. At the time, Judge Pelova argued that aerial photographs could not serve as fit evidence – which is too comfortable for the WolfAs far as the pictures showed the obvious, namely when exactly the illegal palace blossomed. Demek, it is not and can not be a repair of an old building, as Bio Mining claimed. And as the Southwest State Enterprise itself claimed, which is already Peak of the Scudome. But anyway, Pelova’s decision is already challenged before the Supreme Administrative Court, and the final meeting should be held in early March, once it was already strange Postponed. And since another panel of the Supreme Administrative Court in the meantime states that aerial photographs can be used as fit evidence, our logical expectation would be for this composition of the Supreme Administrative Court to reach same conclusion. From which it would follow that the illegality of the three-story Wolfsair will be proven. But we will see, soon it will become clear who is the best man, who is coming and who of the Wolf brother. We remind you that the judge’s panel also includes the seconded Radostin Radkov, until recently two-term Chairman of the ACSC. We also recall that to date about 40% of the SAC personnel already consists of seconded judges – by sole order of the boss Georgi
. Food for thought, as well as a (large) topic for separate investigation.

The Wolf Wins (So Far)

At the same time, BIRD followed three other cases in the Sofia District Court, under which fines for illegal construction imposed by the Regional Forest Directorate Sofia are appealed. Unfortunately, the Wolf has won two of these cases in the SSD, and to date they are pending in the ACSC. A final decision on one of them is expected soon, and on the other things are cycling. The third case is still pending at first instance. The fines are small – only on the order of a few thousand leva – respectively they cannot touch A billionaire like the Wolf. However, it is symbolic, however, that fines fall mainly due to procedural violations (or so it seems) related to the process of their issuance. BIRD will also follow these “mini” cases to their final final, and will inform its readers in due course.

Wolf scandals endlessly

More recently, the Wolf entered the public eye on another occasion – namely, the outrageous piggy and illegal logging “naked” in the Borisova Garden. Apparently, the plans are to build in and around the “wolf” property of the Maria Luisa Pool. We were the last to know that the city was going to impose 200 thousand leva fine. Let’s see if he gets them together. If the “wolf” companies appeal (which is almost certain), we will inform about this as well. In the meantime, it would have been nice and the casket to be approached and to investigate whether there is a crime in this naked logging, and if so, will some homeless man be guilty again, who is not a servant of the Wolf on papers. Either way, to date, we have not even heard that pre-trial proceedings have been initiated, albeit against an unknown perpetrator. We’ll see if it’s a little while here.

BIRD check on the “wolf” companies-owners Euromark and Karpleon He showed something else. Court records are unusually silent regarding these companies, or in other words, no cases are opened with their participation. This actually means that the Wolf over the years has managed to solve his “problems” (and there have been such) mainly In the second way. Pretty much the only time that didn’t work out was because of the high-profile guy. Wolfserai near the dam. Iskar.

Finally, we will recall the grandiose “wolf”
for a stone wool plant and burning garbage on a huge scale near the village of Varbovka, not far from Tarnovo. A project that generates a strong public Resentment and resistance – both from local municipalities and mayors, as well as from national environmental organizations. To date, the “wolf” company Petrurgia, which is pushing to implement the project, appealed the refusal of RIEW Tarnovo to rule on the “investment” intention to build, and this case has already been announced for decision. At the same time, however, in the Tarnovo administrative court the Wolf, i.e. Petrurgia, already Win An important case in this regard. The Regional Governor attacked the decision of the local RIEW to carry out an environmental assessment. With quite a few Strange Judge, however, Yordanka Mateva left the statement of claim without consideration and dismissed the case. The reason – the lack of legal interest (?!) in the regional governor. This, on the one hand, is a favorite “trick” in the case of hot potatoes, the last being
judges in the Supreme Administrative Court in favor of the honorary Swineherd and Russian Consul Georgi Gergov. While on the other hand, Judge Mateva is quite close to GERB, according to our sources in Tarnovo. So this decision of hers is logical, as over the years not only DPS, but also GERB has firmly defended the interests of the Wolf.

Either way, these “conclusions” of the Tarnovo judge are currently being challenged before the Supreme Administrative Court, which announced the case for resolution a month ago. At the risk of repeating ourselves, we will say again – Soon it will be known who is the best man, who belongs to the Wolf brother.


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От създаването си BIRD се финансираше от подаяния в нашето журналистическо чекмедже. Но на чекмеджето му мина времето. Даже прокуратурата затвори онова Чекмедже, знаете кое… Нашето финансиране влиза в крак с епохата. Фондонабиращата ни кампания вече се казва


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BIRD.bg е една от малкото специализирани разследващи медии у нас и осветява мащабни корупционни схеми, конфликти на интереси и злоупотреба с власт, в които участват ключови политици, магистрати, бизнесмени. В завладяна държава като България свободните медии имат изключително важна роля и за да останат независими и обективни, се нуждаят от подкрепата на гражданите.

Ние се издържаме само от малки дарения от граждани. Изчислили сме, че за да работим като устойчива медия, ни трябват около 240,000 лв. годишно или 20,000 лв. на месец. Тук виждате актуалния брой на нашите регулярни дарители, средната месечна сума на даренията и общата сума, която те са дарили за периода от старта на сайта през септември 2020 г. до днешна дата.

Регулярните месечни дарения в размер 10, 20, 50 лв. или друга сума по избор ни дават финансова сигурност и позволяват да планираме дейността си за месеци напред.

Освен да “мятате”, можете и да “шамаросвате”. В момента срещу журналистите от BIRD се водят 10 дела SLAPP известни като “дела-шамари”. Помогнете ни за съдебните разходи, които никак не са малки. Всяко Ваше дарение за конкретно “дело-шамар” е “шамар” срещу шамаросващите, които разполагат с огромни пари срещу нашите скромни финансови възможности.

Дълбоко благодарни сме за всяка подкрепа!

Ние се издържаме само от малки дарения от граждани. Изчислили сме, че за да работим като устойчива медия, ни трябват около 240,000 лв. годишно или 20,000 лв. на месец. Тук виждате актуалния брой на нашите регулярни дарители и средната месечна сума на даренията. Регулярните месечни дарения в размер 10, 20, 50 лв. или друга сума по избор ни дават финансова сигурност и позволяват да планираме дейността си за месеци напред.

До момента нашите активни редовни дарители са 454 на брой и осигуряват 6397.64 € месечно. Нашата цел е дарителите да станат 1,000


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Менко Менков, адвокатът на Бойко Борисов, съди в Софийски градски съд Атанас Чобанов и Димитър Стоянов за статията "Досиетата Пандора: Адвокатът на Борисов и министрите му контролира сейшелска офшорка". Претенцията на Менко Менков е за 100 000 лв. за непозволено увреждане. Номерът на делото е 1761/2022 в СГС. Съдия по делото е Весела Офицерска.


Депутатът от ГЕРБ Лъчезар Иванов съди в Софийски градски съд Димитър Стоянов и Ангел Алексиев за статията Помощ или подкуп? Какво се крие зад акциите на Лъчезар Иванов, разследвани от прокуратурата? Претенцията на Лъчезар Иванов е за 10 000 лв. за непозволено увреждане. Номерът на делото е 3857/2021 в СГС. Съдия по делото е Гергана Кирова.

Ванина Колева, съдия от Административен съд София - Град е образувала наказателно дело за клевета срещу целия екип на BIRD, заради статията ни "Всички пътища на „Eвpoлaб 2011“ водят към съдия Ванина Колева". Делото се гледа в Перник, тъй като софийските съдии си направиха отвод.

Размиг Чакърян - Ами е завел общо пет дела - три срещу Атанас Чобанов и две срещу Димитър Стоянов, заради статиите ни за "Златния паркинг", "Златната локва" и "Златната лаборатория" на Капитан Андреево. Всяко от делата е с претенция за 10,000 лв. Съдиите по делата от Районен съд - София са Красен Вълев 2379/2023, Светлозар Димитров 9982/2023, Иванина Пастракова 9981/2023, Лилия Митева 2381/2023 и Деница Урумова 9980/2023. 

Братът на зам.-председателя на парламента Росица Кирова е завел дело срещу Атанас Чобанов и Димитър Николов с материална претенция 26,000 лв. за статията ни "Таки и братът на зам.-председател на Парламента са разследвани за тероризъм". Гражданското дело с номер 606/2023 е образувано пред Софийски градски съд, а съдия е Екатерина Стоева.

Вътрешният министър Калин Стоянов е завел дело срещу Атанас Чобанов и Димитър Стоянов с претенция за общо 65 000 лв. за 13 публикации в сайта и във Facebook страницата на BIRD, които го свързват с Мартин Божанов - Нотариуса.

This post is also available in: Български (Bulgarian)

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Гешо Иванов

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